Promoting & Supporting the People of Ukraine

Our work is critical and necessary in support of a free and sovereign Ukraine!

The Founders: Misha, Hannah and Steve

Ukraine Assistance Network (UAN) was founded by Mykhaylo (Misha) Zyryanov and his partner, Hannah, and Steve Bittner. Misha and Hannah have lived in Ukraine, Denmark, and now reside in the US, moving to Oregon in 2017. A love for Ukraine took root in Steve’s heart during his first trip to Ukraine in October of 1992. He has returned many times since.

When the full-scale invasion of Ukraine took place in February of 2022, the founders immediately jumped into action with Misha and Hannah heading to Ukraine to provide needed humanitarian support, assistance to the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade based in Transcarpathia, while in Corvallis ongoing Saturday rallies started immediately to help keep the invasion in the forefront of peoples’ minds. Those Saturday rallies continue.

We're sending hundreds of pounds of supplies and equipment.

Misha and Hannah have friends and family who are a part of the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade so the mission is personal. Hundreds of pounds of needed supplies and equipment have been provided to help support Ukraine in their fight against aggressors, as well as to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukrainians as needs arise.

During their time in Ukraine since the beginning of the invasion, Misha and Hannah made repeated trips abroad from Uzhhorod, Ukraine, into other parts of Europe to gather and distribute supplies each week. Misha interpreted for military medical trainings. They helped transport refugees from Ukraine to Western Europe and distributed necessary medical supplies to military hospitals.

Their work is critical and necessary in support of a free and sovereign Ukraine!

Our Mission

To promote and support the well-being and prosperity of the people of Ukraine through targeted initiatives and community-driven programs.

The work continues today with your help.

The work continues today in support of the mission of UAN. Will you consider joining the mission of UAN? Use our contact form to let us know you want to help.

Please consider donating to the mission via our donation page.

(UAN is a domestic non-profit organization and deductions are tax-deductible. IRS approval of 501c3 status is pending.)